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Editing and Proofing in 220 Languages

Alpha Omega Translations’ per word pricing for a fully translated text includes translation, editing and proofing (TEP) by separate qualified linguists. All of our projects go through a complete TEP (translation, editing, proofreading) process. We also offer proofreading and editing services for translations completed by another sources.

“We’ve come to a close on our translations for our French publication project and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your translation team for all your hard work and diligence. We all really enjoyed working with AlphaOmega and appreciate your professionalism and patience throughout the project, especially on the invoicing end. We’re currently applying for funding to continue producing additional issues of our French publications and we hope to continue working withyou on future translations.”

- Shirin Sahani, Program Officer, Middle East & North Africa

Editing and Proofreading Documents from Other Sources

Alpha Omega Translations is happy to work with documents translated by other sources to ensure higher quality in the final product. Whether you used another agency, an internal staff resource or just a friend, we will provide you with the proofreading and editing services you need to ensure that you have the most accurate, consistent, reliable and grammatically clean translation possible. It can make all the difference, not only in conveying the correct message, but also in maintaining your image.

Both services apply to previously translated materials and it is important to specify which kind you are interested in.

As part of the editing process, we will review the translated document thoroughly, comparing it to its original counterpart and amend it, in order to improve style, syntax, and terminology choices. The translation will be checked for translation accuracy as well as for grammatically and idiomatically correct language. The translation will also be checked for completeness and accuracy of transcription, where applicable.

Whether you want to double check your translated text or you are not happy with the original translation, Alpha Omega Translations has expert editors ready to review your documents.

We can take new inputs or considerations (such as a new target market) and edit the text to adapt to a particular local market. We will conduct a thorough review of the documentation for accuracy, style, punctuation, potential cultural problems, consistency, grammar, readability, etc. Our editing services are designed to help our customer at every stage of a project.

Do not take the risk of publishing a document that may not be ready and verified as 100% accurate. Having to reprint, publish and redistribute text is expensive and can damage your image in your target market, not to mention the time and money wasted in the process.

Alpha Omega Translations will provide you with that extra assurance you need before pushing the “print” button.

At Alpha Omega Translations, we offer the most comprehensive proofreading service available. Careful revision of tone and content coherence is at the heart of our proofreading service.

While Editing services are more intense and involve a more thorough review of translated text as well as the source files, the proofreading process involves checking mainly for grammatically and idiomatically correct language in a translated text but does not involve checking for translation accuracy or completeness, as it does not involve the comparison of the translated text to its original counterpart.

Unless otherwise requested, both services focus on the content of the material and not on the formatting or layout.

There’s more involved than running a spell check. We make sure grammar, syntax, punctuation, word choice, and spelling are perfect. We are the defenders of proper grammar, usage, spelling and what publications call style: when to capitalize, when to use numerals or spell out the numbers, etc.

We eliminate style inconsistencies, following your own guide or any other. We query the illogical, incorrect, inconsistent, misplaced, missing, or unclear. We check tables and figures and cross-check with text references.

Some mistakes jump out: the comically wrong homonyms, the core for corps, the pour for pore, the ordinance for ordnance. Some are more subtle: It’s easy to miss errors in quotations because our training tells us to leave quotations alone, but if the author has left out or misinterpreted a word or two, it’s the copy editor’s job to notice and ask.

Includes all the above and more!


The copy editor needs to be a critical reader: Is the text missing necessary background or other information? Is it unfair? Is it libelous? Have crucial questions gone unasked? When the answer is yes, the copy editor is on the phone with the author or researching on the Internet to make things right, and to do it on deadline. We have to be alert to ambiguities in the writing; if readers are misled or puzzled by the phrasing of a sentence, we have failed.

We have to be the reader’s advocates, straightening out twisted syntax (no matter that it’s correct) when it does not serve the reader. We guard against clichés and jargon. We check the facts, to the extent we can.

We rewrite text, reorganize abstracts, transitions, and conclusions as needed; we eliminate redundancies and fix non-standard English. We organize multi-author documents for cohesive projects; we check graphics against text. We query anything problematic, and ensure that the text represents the author’s thought.

Writing and Editing

We offer Writing and Editing services for source documents that are not used for translation.

Editing of documents such as reports, manuals, brochures, presentations, briefs, guides, posters, wall charts, and other materials as needed. Writing support (drafting of executive summaries, descriptions, and web content for example).

Our Writing and Editing services will encompass the following:

Light Copyedit

Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, including tables, figures, text boxes, etc. [use client’s Style Guide for Writers].

Ensure that the following are correct and make corrections:

  • cover page, title page, and reverse of title page display the same information.


  • project name
  • abbreviations
  • alphabetical and numeric sequence,
  • capitalization
  • hyphenated words
  • number style
  • use of italics and bold.

Query overly long or confusing sentences.


Accuracy check for:

  • tables, figures, references, footnotes, and appendix cited in text (in correct place and correctly identified)
  • text citations (insert where appropriate; query discrepancies).

Acronyms (identify using project’s list)

  • spell out when first used in abstract, front matter, and body text. Example: Ministry of Health (MOH).
  • consistent use after first reference

Attributes (use consistently)

  • bulleted and numbered lists, including style, and size
  • bullets and numbers
  • capitalization
  • italic and bold
  • numerical/alphabetical sequences (pages, sections, tables, figures, and others)
  • titles, headings, and subheadings
  • words and numbers.

Elements (ensure accuracy).

  • abstract (present and complete)
  • executive summary (all research and technical papers longer than 20 pages must have; guides should have an introduction or background section)
  • bibliography or references (present and complete if they are part of paper, in alphabetical order)
  • bulleted and numbered lists (make parallel or query)
  • cover, title page, and reverse of title page (check title, date, authors, etc.)
  • footnotes (placement of footnote number and style of footnote)
  • glossary (in alphabetical order and correct style)
  • list of acronyms and abbreviations (complete)
  • list of appendices (complete)
  • list of figures (includes tables)
  • photographs (must have caption, credit given when appropriate, and callout in text)
  • table of contents (must match text and include list of figures and tables).
  • Foot notes

Figures and Tables (includes tables, art, photographs, text boxes and others)

  • consistent throughout document (size, style)
  • titles and all text consistent throughout document
  • line up decimals to the right
  • position of figure after in-text reference but no more than one page away from reference
  • table format follows standard
  • figure text follows standard
  • check math where appropriate.

Grammar ensure correct use of grammar.

Language in accordance with project style guide

  • concise sentences [query]
  • confusing sentences [query]
  • limit passive voice and recast as active where possible
  • parallel lists
  • pronouns have clear antecedents
  • inconsistent or incorrect terminology [query]
  • sexist, racist, or inappropriate language or statements [query and refer to project’s Recommended Terms to Support Respect, Dignity, and Equity).

Organizational Problems [query at the beginning of the project].

Punctuation [ensure that it is correct].


  • ensure correct style
  • query missing information.

Spelling [ensure that it is correct and use the project style guide].

Final Proof of Finished Manuscript

Typography and Format [includes correct type size, typeface, attributes, spacing]

  • bibliography or references
  • direct quotes
  • footnotes and endnotes
  • list of acronyms
  • page breaks
  • running heads and feet, and page numbers
  • table and figure titles
  • table of contents.

Final Check

  • cover, title page, and ROT complete and consistent
  • elements complete and in the correct order [front matter, etc.]
  • figures and tables checked against text for correct location accuracy, and page number
  • figures and tables in correct position

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